@article{oai:kobe-du.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000240.1, author = {MITERA, Sadako and SENOU , Toru and TANIGUCHI, Fumiyasu and MIAKE, Nobu and YOSHIDA, Naomi and MACHIDA, Nami and NIWA, Mayumi and KIKUCHI, Sono and MIYATANI, Naoko and 見寺, 貞子 and 瀬能, 徹 and 谷口 , 文保 and 見明, 暢 and 吉田, 尚美 and 町田, 奈実 and 丹羽, 真由美 and 菊池, 園 and 宮谷, 直子}, journal = {芸術工学2017}, month = {Nov}, note = {現在、交通事故死者数に占める高齢者の数は、依然として高い水準で推移している。これに対して官公庁関係は、交通事故軽減のため市民に対して蛍光反射材を使用した安全啓発用品を配布している。しかし、市民の間では必要性の意識が低い、効果が周知されずデザインが服装に合わない等の理由から着用率が低く、啓発活動に至っていない現状がある。  本研究では、大学がコーディネーター役となり、産官学民がそれぞれの役割のもと着用率向上を目指すことを目的とし、本学は日常生活に密着した反射材を活用したデザイン提案を行い、16 点のサンプル制作を行った。そしてそれらの視認性を照射実験にて検証し、交通安全フェアや様々な展示会で市民を対象にアンケート調査を行った。結果、色は白色、アイテムは帽子やバック類、反射球などの立体形で反射材の面積が広いものほど、視認性が高いことが明らかになった。, Currently, the number of the elderly citizens in traffic fatalities has moved at a high level. To reduce the number of traffic accident, the Civil Service distributes the reflective material goods to the citizens and advises to wear them to enlighten their conscious of traffic safety. However, due to their low consciousness of necessity, the effect has been unknown, or because the goods are not fashionable enough, the wearing rate of the reflective material goods is still so low that more educational activity is required. In this research, KOBE Design University has coordinated so called “industry-academia-government collaboration” with some business companies and Hyogo Prefectural Police. We worked together from each point of view to increase the wearing rate. KOBE Design University has proposed some designs of the reflective material goods which are close to and easy to wear for daily use and made16 kinds of sample goods. The visibility of the goods was tested under an irradiation experiment. Also we promoted the goods to the citizens at some traffic safety fairs and exhibitions and held a questionnaire survey. As a result, we found out that stereoscopic items with color of white with wide area such as hats and bags are the most visible goods.}, title = {交通事故軽減のための汎用性と経済的頒布性に優れた蛍光反射材用品の開発}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ミテラ, サダコ and セノウ, トオル and タニグチ, フミヤス and ミアケ, ノブ and ヨシダ, ナオミ and マチダ, ナミ and ニワ, マユミ and キクチ, ソノ and ミヤタニ, ナオコ} }